AIERY means of eagles or whales travelling together. People and animals travel in quest for adventure, opportunity, love, and connection. Just as birds soar through the skies and fish navigate the waters, humans too have felt the push or pull to explore new lands and experiences. The appetite to travel skyrocketed after COVID. Travel embodies our innate desire to explore the unknown. Each step taken to foreign soil tells a story of courage, ambition, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of happiness. The thrill of a different experience, relationship, or a new city; New York, London, Seoul, Accra, Bogota, Tokyo or the warmth of unexpected friendships, and even the bittersweet farewells reminds us that every journey is a chapter in our shared human narrative. This instinct to travel is a shared thread that connects all of us, echoing in our own stories of leaving The Comfortable. Each traveler carries with them not just belongings but memories, dreams, and the essence of who we are.
I designed Aiery to create a luxury, minimalistic, and functional tool for my adventure. It's a hybrid of a Safe and Passport, a safe place and new feeling a passport, it's a wallet to carry only the essentials. "If it cannot fit in the wallet, I do not need it," I said to myself. I decided to design my own wallet and named it AIERY. Allan once traveled to 15 countries, across 4 continents in 2 months collecting experiences. LET'S MOVE
Contact Us: hello@aiery.co